White from Royalton to West Hartford
Saturday Jul 24, 2010
Kayak: John Atherton, Rich Renolds, Ken Emery, Peg Pelckmann
Organizer: Peg
Difficulty: nov-int WW
Level: low boatable
Gauge (cfs): 800
Author: John Atherton
Nice warm day and we all had fun taking our turns at getting wet either by rolls or swims. Either way it was nice to cool off. Very nice fun drops and rapids on this stretch but long flat paddles between the fun stuff. By the time we got to the end we were tired enough just to play a little in the surf wave at the bridge. It was also great to see so many other people on the river either swimming, boating or fishing. We were going to meet up with CJ and others( Laura finally swam I here) but we did not see them until we were on the road going back. It was a good day and we were done before the rain came.