Signup Links and Directions
Waivers (required at first session)
Adult Waiver (PDF) [Rev: January 2012]
...or see for the latest adult and minor waivers on the ACA website.
You can print these and fill them out by hand, but we recommend using Adobe Reader's Fill and Sign tool to fill them out before printing and signing them. This will ensure legibility for everyone concerned.
Fees and Other Information
Please take advantage of this pre-registration page, so that we have a reasonable head count for each of the upcoming sessions.
Please note:
- The basic pool session fee for 2024 is $15.
- Adults only (18+) at UVM or Vermont State University pool sessions except when accompanied by a parent who participates in the session.
- This year, there is no fee per se for rolling instruction, but instruction is a members-only benefit. You are welcome to join the club to receive rolling instruction. This requirement does not apply if you just want to practice on your own, with occasional pointers from peers.
— Chris Weed []
[By the way, YouTube has some excellent instructional kayak rolling videos. Also see this outstanding video on Vimeo, from]
More on fees: The pool session fee for 2024 is $15, plus an additional $10 insurance fee—an ACA event membership—if you are not a member of the American Canoe Association (ACA). Note that you must pay the $10 insurance fee per session if you don't belong to the ACA. Their individual membership costs $40/year.
You can also join the VPC (or renew) for $15 ($20 for a family). If you haven't previously been a member of the ACA you can become a member by going to their website at In the 4th field of the form you should select "Paddle America Clubs: Vermont Paddlers Club".
ACA Waivers (online form or PDF form): An ACA waiver form must be completed during or prior to your first pool session.
We recommend use of the online version. It will save time at your first pool session and produce a consistently legible waiver that is automatically submitted to the ACA.
Here are the online waiver links. Submit one waiver for each venue at which you plan to attend one or more pool sessions:
2024-2025 VPC Pool Sessions at Quechee Club (
2024 VPC Pool Sessions at UVM (
2024 VPC Pool Sessions at VSU-Johnson (
If you choose to use a printed waiver, it will help get your first session underway quicker if you fill out the waiver prior to your arrival and bring it with you. Note that the PDF form can be filled out in Adobe Reader on your computer, then printed and signed.
To download the PDF form for completion and printing on your computer, see the bottom right side of this page on the ACA website, under Affiliate Forms & Resources.
Any boat you use in the pool must be thoroughly cleaned beforehand!!
Dirt, twigs, or leaves found in or around the pool may result in us being banned from future use of the facility.
[At UVM and VSU-Johnson, a faucet with a hose is available for final rinses. That said, we ask that you please do as much cleaning as possible before you come to your first session. In cold weather, just dumping a gallon of water in your boat and sloshing it around to dislodge leaves and sticks, which you can then remove by hand, will help a lot. Also brush and rinse any loose dirt off the hull and deck of your boat.]