The Vermont Paddlers Club

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Report a Bug

FORMERLY: /admin/web/bug_lookup.php

The bug reporting page puts the power and responsibility for site-wide quality assurance squarely in the hands of those who use the VPC website. THIS MEANS YOU!!!

To report bugs, just browse to the page containing the bug and click 'Report a Bug' in the 'Home' drop-down menu. To report dead links or site-wide problems, or if you have an interest in joining the VPC website QA Team, please email us to explain.

Thank you, a bunch, for helping make the VPC website a worthwhile place to explore, participate, and revisit!

Before you report a bug, please make sure you complete the following steps:
  1. Check to make sure nobody has reported the bug already.
  2. Make sure you are using the latest stable version or your browser-of-choice, . . . particularly if similar bugs have recently been reported and fixed.
  3. Formulate an accurate, detailed description of the bug or behavior . . . that will inspire someone to want to help fix it.

Please log in.
For Username, enter either 1) the primary email address you've specified in your member profile, or 2) the Username assigned to you upon joining the VPC.

Once you are logged in as a VPC member, you will have access to your member profile, and members-only content on the website. If your login attempts fail, please email the webmaster. Include your name, and (if you know it) the username you were assigned.

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