The Vermont Paddlers Club

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subject Event Cancellations
author Chris Weed
city Burlington
posted Friday Jun 5th 2020, 9:40 PM

We have decided to cancel VPC's Whitewater Novice Clinic and Class II Whitewater Clinic for this summer, due to uncertainties surrounding the possible evolution of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The Novice Clinic was to be held this weekend (June 6-7). As it happens, right now there is little water in the rivers we typically rely upon for conducting the Novice Clinic—the Winooski River in Middlesex and the Mad River in Moretown. So this weekend would have been problematic on that account alone.

Increased rain over the next 2-3 weeks may improve the water situation. We may schedule alternative events that provide learning opportunities for inexperienced paddlers if circumstances look favorable for doing so, but for now we can't say anything definite about that.

In the meantime, get out and paddle something! There are beautiful flat water paddling opportunities in the region, from Lake Champlain to the lakes and reservoirs in central Vermont and the Northeast Kingdom, as well as quiet sections of the larger rivers.

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