The Vermont Paddlers Club

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Meeting Minutes

Executive Committee Meeting
Dan Beideck, Rich Larsen, James Raboin, Tony Shaw
Officer Nominees for 2008-2009
November 4th Election Meeting
Treasurer's Update
IDW Stipend @ $100
VRC and AWA Sponsorships @ $100 each
"Whitewater Fund" Proposal
"Advisory" Budget Proposal for 2008-2009
Pool Session Proposal
Trips Organizing 101 Revision
The meeting was called to order around 7pm by James at the home of Dan and Ann.
Treasurer's Update

Cash on hand at the start of tonight's meeting is approximately $2700.

Activities Director - Dan

Brent has learned that the St. Michael's pool is NOT an option for the winter pool sessions, mainly based on concerns for keeping the pool area clean.

Therefore, Dan will pursue timeslots at the UVM pool, aiming to schedule around 8 sessions from January through early April. Some of them will offer formal rolling instruction. Like last year, if the sessions are "profitable" in the early winter, then we will give discounts during the final pool sessions to frequent attenders, aiming to end in April neither making (nor losing) money on the pool sessions. The cost per session, etc., still needs to be negotiated with UVM. A general invite to other club members (especially those living outside the Burlington area) to organize pool sessions at different venues will go out shortly in VPCNews.
IDW Stipend @ $100, 1x

As previously approved by the board, Richard will mail a $100 stipend to Brent Osborne for the ACA Instructor Development Workshop (IDW) he attended this summer, and thank Brent for his willingness to help out as a 2008 Novice Clinic instructor.

VRC and AWA Sponsorships @ $100 each

Dan moved, Rich seconded, and the board voted unanimously to mail donations to the Vermont Rivers Conservancy (VRC) and to American Whitewater (AW), $100 each.

"Whitewater Fund" Proposal

We discussed the pros and cons of creating a set-aside fund, based on the principle that the money there would be held in reserve as long as this was feasible and ear-marked for purchases or projects that are clearly in keeping with the club's mission to promote paddlesports but which would be beyond the scope of the club's ordinary operating budget. Examples of such expenditures were offered, and could include retainers or inducements for whitewater park planning consultants, at-cost bulk order boat purchases, and/or other hard-to-fund projects that represent a long term investment in the club and/or the future of paddling in our region. Rich pointed out that ear-marking club funds in this way would need to be non-binding. If ever the general fund goes into the red, for example, these funds must still be available to cover operating expenses, and those in attendance agreed with this in principle. Dan moved to create such a fund and it was seconded and passed (3 yes, 1 abstention). Dan then moved to start the fund by "contribuiting" $400 to it from the general fund. Tony proposed an amendment to the proposal to round Dan's figure up to $500. The amendment and the proposal both passed by votes of 3 in favor and 1 abstaining.

"Advisory" Budget Proposal for 2008-2009

See attached EXCEL spreadsheet and PDF version. We expect the incoming Board of Directors will appreciate Dan's effort putting it together.

Trips Organizing 101 Revision

In Dan's latest draft, we agreed to reword the paragraph that discusses the club's expectations re: getting participants to sign a waiver on trips that are NOT ACA sanctioned but that are included nonetheless in either the printed (Bow and Stern) or the online (Events Calendar) list of club events. We don't want signing waivers to be compulsory for these trips, but we do want to recommend that this be done. We will resurrect a copy of the group waiver, to make it as easy as possible.
Officer Nominees for 2008-2009

Only 2 of the members nominated for office during the online nomination process that ended October 1st accepted their nominations. They are Ryan McCall (secretary) and Rich Larsen (treasurer). Vermont requires non-profit corporations like ours to have at least 2 officers (President and Secretary - who cannot be the same person). Rich and Dan both brought lists of members who have not been nominated but who have been actively paddling with the club during 2007, and we agreed to divide up the list and contact the most promising individuals to suggest they seriously consider running for office. We also reminded ourselves that the club has had other "lean" election years, and has managed to survive and/or thrive in spite of this.

November 4th Election Meeting

Tony agreed to confirm someone for the slideshow entertainment ASAP. James agreed to compose a letter, to be mailed to all members, reminding them to attend the election meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9:04. A date for the December meeting will be set after elections November 4th.
Tony Shaw
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The meeting minutes below date back to 2003. Prior year meeting minutes generally appear in the 'Bow and Stern' Newsletter Archive.
Minutes still in 'draft' form are omitted from this list. Thus, the minutes below have been 'released' for public viewing. The VPC secretary will typically post minutes from recent meetings once they have been finalized/approved.
To view meeting minutes or other meeting attachments in WORD or EXCEL, you will need to have those applications installed on your phone or computer.















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